Quality and Safety

Trust is good, seeing for yourself is better!

The best made from meat

Metten considers itself to be the partner for a wide range of meat and sausage specialties, both for the service counter and for the self-service shelf. The size of the business today allows it to specialise in various market sectors. The Metten brand is the specialist with appropriate levels of expertise in the service counter for specialist wholesalers and food retailers with a diverse range and well over 100 products.

The Metten brand has been founded on maximum product safety combined with the best quality for over a century. This is because we can only live up to our claim of "the best made from meat" through traditional craftsmanship and reliable procurement sources.

Our raw materials - your safety

We obtain most of our raw materials from medium-sized slaughterhouses and cutting plants in North Rhine-Westphalia. Our quality assurance team visits these companies on a regular basis. We place a particular focus on origin, freshness, shelf life, clean storage, and treatment of the meat and hygiene when purchasing our raw materials. This is how we can ensure our customers maximum safety.
You will find one of our veterinary control number, the so-called identity mark on all of our packaging. DE NW 00356 EU (an oval symbol) stands for "Metten - The best made from meat".

Expertise and technology

The special Metten recipes and processing methods cannot be replicated.
Major significance is attached to producing specialties in a way that is easy on the product and in some cases even laid by hand in true artisan tradition, and this in spite of the highly competitive markets.
These special recipes, combined with the latest technology, make Metten products an appetising and a unique treat. The well-known "Dicke Sauerländer" Bockwurst, for example, is still made today in genuine artisan style.

IFS certificate

In 2003, Metten is certified according to the International Featured Standard (IFS) for the first time. IFS Food serves as a uniform check of food safety and the quality level of producers and proves that companies are up to the increasing requirements in the food sector. The audit is carried out anew every year.

For further information: www.ifs-certification.com

QS certificate

Metten was audited for the first time according to QS (quality and safety) and included in the QS testing system for food products back in 2002.

QS is the world's largest testing system for safe food products as a voluntary initiative of all levels involved in the meat industry.  This integrates each individual production and marketing step into a continuous quality assurance system. The same high level of care and precision is applied to each phase.
For further information:  www.q-s.de

Organic certification

Metten was awarded the EU organic logo for the first time by the ABCERT AG organic board of control in 2022.
The organic certification is associated with compliance with certain standards and requirements. Only certified raw materials (meat, spices, etc.) are used to manufacture our organic products.

For further information: www.abcert.de

Initiative Tierwohl

Metten Fleischwaren has been a partner of Initiative Tierwohl since 2021. The Initiative Tierwohl provides financial support for farmers to implement measures that go beyond the legal standards for the welfare of their farm animals. The implementation of these measures is monitored across the board by the Initiative Tierwohl. It is now Germany's largest platform for more animal welfare.

Further information:


Products from the region are "in". They stand for freshness, support for the local economy, sustainability and short transportation routes. Customer demand for authentic regional products is relentless.

Metten is annually certified by ABCERT AG according to the requirements set by Regionalfenster e. V. All of the products only contain meat from North Rhine-Westphalia.

For further information: www.regionalfenster.de

Regional prize for Food NRW (Nordrhein-Westphalia)

The regional prize is awarded to companies in North Rhine-Westphalia that are genuinely committed to the food and nutrition sectors and who actively face social demands. The basis for the presentation of the NRW regional prize for food are the gold awards from the German Agricultural Society (DLG), which evaluate the products according to both taste and quality.

For further information: www.umwelt.nrw.de/landesehrenpreis

Award for long-term product quality

Metten has numerous products which are voluntarily tested every year by certified experts from the DLG. The “Award for long-term product quality” which was awarded to the traditional Sauerland company in 2024 is representative of consistent quality efforts and is only awarded if food products have been tested regularly and successfully by the DLG for a minimum period of five years.
For further information: www.dlg.org/de

Our rewards